Friday, January 29, 2010

Fall of Andrew Wakefield, ‘dishonest’ doctor who started MMR scare - Times Online

Fall of Andrew Wakefield, ‘dishonest’ doctor who started MMR scare - Times Online

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Controversial, I know. But Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues have a lot to answer for! The publication of the original paper in 1998 which linked MMR vaccine to autism has resulted in many parents deciding not to immunise their children. And the fact that there were several issues of conflict of interest which were not revealed at the time is disconcerting - how can you trust that their research is reliable?
I have never subscribed to the view that MMR vaccines cause Autism. That is certainly not my experience with Ethan. He never regressed or had any adverse reactions following any of his vaccinations. As I reflect on Ethan's early development and on viewing videos of him as a baby, there were indicators of Autism before he turned 1, before he had his MMR vaccination. He was born with Autism.