Friday, July 9, 2010

Social Skill Milestones

After about 3 years of practice, practice, practice Ethan can now fairly reliably say "My name is Ethan" when he is asked "what is your name?". We have spent endless hours practicing in ABA drills and in the community. But the other day Ethan surprised me by adding extra detail to his usually limited social banter.
We were waiting at our local medical centre to see the GP regarding Ethan's cough and cold. A little 3 year old boy came into the children's play area where we were waiting. Ethan said "little boy, you sit on this chair" - which he did. The boy's father said "hello, this is Dane and my name is Mike. What is your name?" Ethan looked at the man and said "My name is Ethan", then Ethan looked at me, gestured toward me with a wave of his hand and said "And this is my mummy!". I was speechless. I have never heard him introduce me to anyone before - we have never even practiced that- and he said it so clearly, combined with lovely gestures! My eyes welled with tears of joy and pride in how my beautiful little boy is learning and developing!

1 comment:

Cate said...

WOW!!! This brought a wee tear to MY eye! What fun, and what a joy. I love this story.